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The day I deserved more was the day after I knew I could not accept less. -Unknown

I do not know where I found this statement, but I wrote it down on August 18, 2014. The day I deserved more was the day after I knew I could not accept less. Been there? Me too, thank God.  I had the distinct privilege of working with a leader who was struggling with the many employment laws, regulations, policies, procedures, state laws, federal laws, work rules, etc. and the belief that too many times these rules create opportunity for abuse, misuse, and protections for poor performance if the individual knows how to use absence and/or injury to “work the system.”  The leader went on to say it felt like they were being taken advantage of and that the rest of the team was bearing the burden and carrying the weight of an employee out and/or returning from protected leave (e.g., Workers’ Comp, FMLA, etc) again with the belief of being “taken advantage of”.

After discussion of the truth, in that there are policies, procedures, rules and regulations, laws, both state and federal, I stopped it right then and there.  Hey, I said, this is your job.  You are paid to understand and to bear up under all the pressure, rules, and regulations, and commit that you will not only uphold them, you will become skilled at navigating the land mines around such regulation, and you will ensure that the rights of the employees and the interests of the employer are protected.  I reminded them that they must take an oath of sorts to embrace all the laws and to understand there are competing needs, every day, in every situation.  This calls on a level of skill, character, integrity, and a willingness to understand how to apply the law to this messy wonderful thing we call life.

It is always a joy to remind someone of their higher goals, and the absolute necessity they accept there will always be competing needs.  Embrace the law and the freedoms it provides.  It is what it is.  Stop struggling.  Stop arguing.  It is what it is.  When you will embrace what is . . . it opens you to what can be.  Additionally, I reminded this strong leader, you cannot be taken advantage of.  No one has the power to take advantage of you or your team, not as long as you are sitting in that chair! The further you advance, the more competing needs, rules, regulations, etc. exist.  This takes clarity.  Be clear about your goals.  Be clear about your responsibilities.  The day you deserve more is the day after you know you cannot accept less.

@2017-2023 Kim R. Foster, The Winning Way | All rights Reserved

Categories: Leadership

1 thought on “Clarity

  1. Additionally, I reminded this strong leader, you cannot be taken advantage of. No one has the power to take advantage of you or your team, not as long as you are sitting in that chair! The further you advance, the more competing needs, rules, regulations, etc. exist. This takes clarity. Be clear about your goals. Be clear about your responsibilities. The day you deserve more is the day after you know you can not accept less.
    Then this answers my question. When is enough, enough.?

    Thank You

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